Website: www.houstondistrictcme
P.O. Box 1433
Hurst Texas 76053
Presiding Elder Jonathan L Jones Sr was born October 22, 1966. He is a native of Los Angeles, California. Elder Jones earned a Bachelor’s in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance in 1988 from the University of Texas at Arlington.
In 1986, he joined McIntosh CME church in Grand Prairie, TX under the Pastoral leadership of Rev James L. Smith. He served in many capacities at McIntosh. He sang in the young adult choir, served as Sunday School Superintendent, taught the adult Sunday school class, and led Wednesday night prayer meeting. While attending McIntosh CME church he answered his call into the ministry and received his license to preach in October 1992 under the leadership of Rev James L Smith.
In 1995, he moved his membership to Christian Chapel CME church in Dallas, TX under the leadership of the late Rev. Dr. Jerome E McNeil Jr. At Christian Chapel he was the worship leader for the 8:00 am worship service. He also taught new membership classes, participated in monthly prayer vigils, and visited and served communion to the sick and shut in. He was ordained as an Elder in June 2007 under Bishop Ronald M. Cunningham.
In June 2007, he was assigned to Morning Chapel CME church as an associate minister Bishop Cunningham. He served under numerous pastors at Morning Chapel. He served in numerous teaching capacities while at Morning Chapel. He taught the adult Sunday school class; he taught various classes during Vacation Bible School and The Rock Respect Academy as well as Wednesday night Bible study. He also visited and served communion to members that were sick or hospitalized.
He served as pastor of New Bethel CME church in Stephenville, TX under the appointment of Bishop LL Reddick III during the 2014 Dallas-Fort Worth Annual Conference. He pastored New Bethel from July 2014 to July 2017.
He was appointed Pastor of St. James CME church in Gainesville, TX by Bishop LL Reddick III during the 2017 Dallas-Fort Worth Annual Conference. His focus in his first two years at St. James was to lead the church in completing important renovations that would allow the members to return to the church building to worship.
He was appointed Pastor of Stewart Chapel in Fort Worth, TX by Bishop LL Reddick III during the 2021 Dallas-Fort Worth/Northwest Texas Annual Conference. He currently serves as an Episcopal Leader over the Economic Ventures. In this role he is tasked with seeking financial opportunities that would benefit churches in the Eighth Episcopal District. He received his Master of Divinity degree from Brite Divinity School on the campus of Texas Christian University in December 2022.
He was appointed Presiding Elder of the Houston District in the 2022-2023 Southeast Texas Region Annual Conference by Senior Bishop LL Reddick III.
Rev. Jones is married to Mrs. Tina Jones. Together they have a total of seven children.