Greenville- Texarkana
Thank you for the opportunity to interview you. We would like to give everyone the opportunity to know a little more about you.
Where were you born? Atlanta, Texas born on March 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dickerson of Douglassville, Texas. She is the youngest of five (5) children. Her home church is Gum Springs Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, in which she was very active, serving many capacities, until she
accepted her calling in 1998. On the second (2 nd ) Sunday in December, 1998 – Elder Casteel preached her first sermon, entitled “Caught in the Heat of the Moment”. On July 9, 2000,Elder Casteel was honored by the Gum Springs C.M.E. Church for 1 year of preaching the gospel. Also, she was honored by Gum Springs C.M.E. Church for a job well done for the 1998-1999 Conference Year.
Please share with us your educational background.
I attended Public School at Linden-Kildare Consolidated Independent School District in Linden, Texas, where I graduated in the Top Ten of my class.
I received an Associates of Arts Degree from Texarkana Community College in 1996 and a Bachelor of General Studies Degree from Texas A & M University in 1998.
In 2003, I received a Certificate in Theology from the Interdenominational Theological Center at Atlanta, Georgia. In 2005, I received a Certificate of Completion (P.A.C.T. Program / Alternative Certification Program) from Le Tourneau University at Longview, Texas. May 15, 2010 graduated from SMU – Perkins School of Theology with a Master’s in Theological Studies with a grade point average of 3.118. In September 2013 completed Christian Education Certification Program.
Can you tell us about your calling into ministry? Called at the age of 16 but said “No” because I was a child and figured no one would listen to me because of my age. God did not let it be. When I finally surrendered it was at the age of 24. I had cried and prayed for so long until I said Lord, I’m yours and I’m available to be used by you.
Why do you feel called to serve the CME church? I grew up in the CME Church; I’m a 6th generational CME. My mother and father are CME’s, they parents were CME’s and their parents were CME’s. It’s in my DNA (lol) so to speak.
As a Presiding Elder do you struggle with the most? Time management is my biggest struggle. I try to be so many things for so many people as well as be so many places until I neglect self. I have a passion of making sure that everyone knows there responsibility and do them to the best of their ability and when that does not happen, I beat myself up trying to figure out how to better explain it or demonstrate it. What are the top three responsibilities of a Presiding Elder in your opinion? Love people, always be in the mode to learn. Never think that you know everything. In other words, teach and be teachable. Third, administrator and know how to call on the Lord in prayer.
Tell us about yourleadership philosophy and how it influences the culture of the Pastors under your care and the CME church? I have a love/passion for God and God’s people. I try to meet people where they are and build from there. I try to be available, at all times. People need to know how much you care, first. That’s something that Retired Bishop Ronald Cunningham told me during his tenure: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” One other thing that he told me: “Rev. Casteel, you have to love the hell out of people.” I love people that have wronged me, mistreated me, talked about me in a negative way. As a leader you must have a forgiving heart. In leadership position, grudges is unacceptable. My mother would tell me growing up that someone has to be the bigger person. So, I live by the words of the wise.
This concludes our interview is there anything else you would like to share with the readers? The only thing that I would share with the reading audience to remember who are working for; who you are serving; who you are trying to please. In the end, all that should matter is to hear the words: “well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things; I’ll make you ruler over many.”