8TH EPISCOPAL DISTRICT ANNUAL CONFERENCES - 2021 Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 2018-2022 QUADRENNIAL THEME: “The Basics: Disciples First” 2018-2022 ANNUAL CONFERENCE THEME EMPHASIS:"Called to Strengthen Disciples." REGISTRATION FEE: $50.00 – Make checks payable to Jamaica Region Acts 14:22 “Then they returned to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch, strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith.” Region Jamaica Presiding Elder Cosmo Grant ( East Midland) Elroy Ewart ( Kentucky District) Colmie Simms ( Fortcharles District) YOUR NAME (with title): PHONE MAILING ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP EMAIL ADDRESS LOCAL CHURCH NAME AND CITY CHOOSE ONE CLERGY LAY GUEST CHECK ALL THAT APPLY Bishop Presiding Elder Pastor Associate/Assistant Pastor Minister in Full Connection - Retired Minister Local Preacher Layperson Stewards Stewardess -- Usher Young Adult Youth Music Ministry Minister's Spouse Local Church Finance Officer --- Minister on Trial Sunday School Teacher Christian Educator Ministry to Men Evangelism Trustee Send