Dr. Patricia D. McKenzie
Episcopal Coordinator for Health Ministries
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Source: American Diabetes Association. https://www.diabetes.org/
Resources: 1. Instructions related to Amputation Prevention 2. A Risk Test for Type 2 Diabetes 3. Recipes.”
“More than 37 million children and adults have diabetes. The common symptoms of diabetes include-urinating often, feeling very thirsty, feeling very hungry (even though you are eating), extreme fatigue, cuts and bruises that are slow to heal, weight loss even though you are eating with Type I and tingling, pain, numbness in the hands and feet with Type 2. Symptoms can be so mild that they go unnoticed. However, knowing the symptoms helps to reduce the risk of complications.
Type I symptoms-onset may be very sudden in adults. The young child who is urinating frequently, losing weight and becoming more and more tired and ill is a classic picture.
Type 2 symptoms-tend to come about more gradually and sometimes there are no signs at all.
Type 2 is the most common form of diabetes. The common symptoms may be very mild. Diabetes Complications-1. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in people living with diabetes. They are twice as likely to have heart disease or stroke than people without diabetes.
The Treatment Plan- includes-
- 1. Proper exercise of 150 minutes per week. Sit less, plan to get and walk around every 30 minutes.
- 2. Diet follow the Diabetic Plate Method of ½ with non-starchy Vegetables (broccoli or cauliflower, cabbage green or red, carrots, celery cucumbers, leafy greens kale, collards, mustards, okra, green beans, bell peppers, lettuce, spinach, squash, and tomatoes); ¼ with Protein ( fish, chicken, lean beef, turkey, cottage cheese, bean and nuts); ¼ with Carbohydrates (brown rice, oatmeal, potato, pumpkin, and fruits); drink water and club soda.
- 3. Sleep 6-8 hours.
- 4. Mange stress.
- 5. Diabetes Management requires taking medications as directed.
If you feel any of following symptoms, call 911 immediately-chest pain or discomfort, fullness (feels like indigestion or heartburn), discomfort in one or both arms, back, jaw, neck or upper abdomen, shortness of breath, sweating, tiredness, fainting or lightheaded ness.
Source: American Lung Association. https://www.lung.org/
Resources: 1. Need to help someone get COVID-19 go to CDC.gov/vaccines/
Program/bridge. The CDC Bridge Access Program is designed to adults without health insurance and adults whose insurance does not cover all COVID-19 cost.
This program will end on December 31, 2024. Promote it Now. 2. Questions about
Lung health-call Lung Helpline 1-800-LUNGUSA (586-4872)”
“This is the third most common cancer in the U.S. Do not believe that a nagging cough or slight wheeze is just something that comes with getting older. Your lungs mature by 20-25 years and about 35, the lung function may begin to decline gradually. Lung Capacity and Aging-Muscles like your diaphragm can get weaker; lung tissue may lose elasticity and airways can get smaller; rib cage bones may get smaller and decrease room for your lungs to expand. Stay healthy as you age-Stay active; avoid tobacco smoke; stay up to date on vaccinations-Vaccines as Influenza, COVID-19 and RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus). Vaccines stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies if you were exposed to the real disease. You can develop immunity to that disease without having to get the disease first. There are vaccines for others as pneumonia, pertussis (whooping cough), tuberculosis (TB). If adults have lung disease, plan to stay up to date with others as Tdap (protect against diphtheria and pertussis), Zoster (protect against Shingles). Vaccines for preventable diseases can prevent long-term illness, hospitalizations and even death. Talk to your Dr. to be sure you are up to date with all recommended vaccinations for you.
Warning Signs-
- 1. Chronic cough for eight weeks or longer
- 2. Shortness of breath that doesn’t go away after exercising or that you have after little or no exertion, labored or difficult breathing
- 3. Chronic mucous production is a defense against infection or irritants, but if it last a month or longer, could indicate disease
- 4. Wheezing noisy breathing is a sign that something is blocking your lungs airway or making them narrow
- 5. Coughing up blood signals a health problem
- 6. Chronic chest pain if unexplained and lasts for a month or more, especially if it gets worse when you breathe in or cough.
Source: Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. https://www.pancan.org/
Resource: For free information, contact Pan Can Patient Services at 877-272-6226 Mon-Fri.”
“More than 64,000 Americans will be diagnosed in 2023. That is 175 people every day.
- 1. Pancreatic cancer begins when abnormal cells in the pancreas grow out of control and form a tumor.
- 2.The pancreas makes enzymes that help digestion and hormones that control blood-sugar levels.
- 3.Pancreatic cancer often spreads to the liver, abdominal wall, lungs, bones and or lymph nodes.e
- 4.The exact causes are not well understood. About 10% are considered familial or hereditary. Most happen randomly or may be caused by factors such as smoking, obesity, and age. A person may also be more likely to get it because of long standing diabetes, chronic pancreatitis, race (ethnicity) African American. Age over 60; Gender-males slightly more likely.
- 5. Signs and Symptom-Vague and unexplained pain in the abdomen or back, weight loss, jaundice (yellowing of skin, eyes or both), with or without itching, loss of appetite, nausea, change in stool; fatigue, weakness and depression may occur.
- 6. Diagnosis is difficult-can not see or feel the tumor and symptoms usually develop over time.
D. Other Observances:
1. National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month Source: Alzheimer’s Foundation of America. https://alzfdn.org/
2. National Epilepsy Awareness Month. Source Epilepsy Foundation https://www.epilepsy.com/
3. Bladder Health Month Source: Urology Care Foundation. https://www.urologyhealth.
Click on Education and Inspiration and find to topics-Sunday Morning Health Corner and Resources
Resource: Adult Vaccine Self-Assessment at www.cdc.gov/nip/adultimmsched/ “
B. Health Topic- LUNG CANCER
Resources: Texas Dept of State Health Services-Radon Program Tollfree 888-963-7111/TDD, 800-735-29892. Radon Testing @ttu.edu 3. Texas.gov
- 1. Quitting smoking at any age can lower the risk of lung cancer. Cigarette smoking causes cancer in the mouth and throat, esophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, liver, pancreas, larynx (voice box), trachea, bronchus, kidney and renal pelvis, urinary bladder and cause acute myeloid leukemia.
- 2. Secondhand smoke also causes lung cancer. In the U.S. It can also cause sudden infant death syndrome, respiratory infections, ear infections, and asthma attacks in infants and children. In adult nonsmokers, it can cause coronary heart disease, stroke and lung cancer. There is no risk-free level of secondhand smoke exposure.
- 3. Symptoms: Most people with lung cancer don’t have symptoms until the cancer is advanced. These symptoms may include coughing that gets worse or does not go away, chest pain, shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing up blood, feeling very tired all the time, weight loss with no known cause. Symptoms for people wo have never smoked are the same. If you have any of these symptoms, talk to your Dr. who can help find the cause.
- 4. To reduce your risk: don’t smoke, avoid secondhand smoke, get home tested for radon. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas; you can’t see or smell it, but it can impact indoor air quality; be careful at work and follow all health and safety guidelines. To improve indoor air quality in a home-need adequate ventilation, using supplemental air cleaning and filtration; need to control moisture and keep humidity between 30-50%. For a new home, look for the Indoor Air Plus label.