Good evening my brothers and sisters in Christ.  Let us continue in prayer for one another and the success of our upcoming event. 

Love and Blessings 
Almighty God creator of all things, giver of every good and perfect gift. Father we bow in humble submission to Your will and Your way.
We ask for forgiveness of our sins, create in us clean hearts.  We continue to earnestly seek Your wisdom, direction and guidance for the success of the Empowerment Dinner and Fundraiser.  We want to be completely aligned with Your will as we seek Your provision for every need.  We walk in obedience to the Spirit’s leading and we are believing for great success!!
Give us confidence and favor as we meet with potential sponsors and generous givers.  We pray for their willingness to partner with us.  We pray God’s Grace and blessings in the lives of the givers.
Give us faithful hearts deeply committed to the process.  Let us not grow weary in the months and days ahead as we shall reap if we faint not.
We know that only what we do for Christ will last.  And it is in His name that we pray. Amen! and Amen! 
I John 5:14-15; Nehemiah 1:11; Numbers 6:24-27; Galatians 6:9

*Please contact one of the following committee members to get involved in this event. 

Please contact your official district representative to the committee, to purchase ads in our commemorative booklet.

Aretha Preston    Houston

Arkalio Stein    Beaumont-Nacogdoches

Vernice Coleman    Fort Worth

Mary Wilson-Horsley    Northwest **

Brenda Smith    Dallas

Terrance Washington    Greenville-Texarkana

Sharon Battee    Longview-Marshall

William Johnson    Tyler

Yvonne James    North Tyler

** Names were given before Annual Conference. An additional member will be named for Northwest District.




Crystal Lewis            


Brenda Davis             


Peggy Robinson           


Rita Washington          


Please click on the box located below in the upper right hand corner of the order form below, save  and print, or click 

here to download  

Please mail in  ​to:

Rev William Johnson,

7209 Fossil Creek Drive, Arlington, Texas 76002
*​If you have any questions, please let us know.

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