Good evening my brothers and sisters in Christ. Let us continue in prayer for one another and the success of our upcoming event.
*Please contact one of the following committee members to get involved in this event.
Please contact your official district representative to the committee, to purchase ads in our commemorative booklet.
Aretha Preston Houston mrswap1003@aol.com
Arkalio Stein Beaumont-Nacogdoches astein@eastex.net
Vernice Coleman Fort Worth vernice_coleman@yahoo.com
Mary Wilson-Horsley Northwest ** mlwjubilee1951@gmail.com
Brenda Smith Dallas revsmith2015@gmail.com
Terrance Washington Greenville-Texarkana tlw2848@yahoo.com
Sharon Battee Longview-Marshall sbattee@suddenlink.net
William Johnson Tyler wfjohnson84william@aol.com
Yvonne James North Tyler yjames0315@yahoo.com
** Names were given before Annual Conference. An additional member will be named for Northwest District.
Crystal Lewis crystal.lewis07@yahoo.com
Brenda Davis brendaedavis001@yahoo.com
Peggy Robinson peggyrob08@yahoo.com
Rita Washington ritawashington@sbcglobal.net
Please click on the box located below in the upper right hand corner of the order form below, save and print, or click
Please mail in to:
Rev William Johnson,
7209 Fossil Creek Drive, Arlington, Texas 76002
*If you have any questions, please let us know.