Post Office Box 4306
Tyler, Texas 75712
903-279-3544 (Cell)
Rev. Dr. Orenthia Mason currently serves Presiding Elder for the North Tyler Texas District in the Eighth Episcopal District of the Christian Methodist Episcopal (CME) Church under the leadership of Senior Bishop Lawrence L. Reddick, III.
Thank you for the opportunity to interview you. We would like to give everyone the opportunity to know a little more about you.
Where were you born? I was born and raised and will die in Tyler Texas.
Please share with us your educational background. Graduated from Emma J. Scott high school in 1970, the last class to graduate. I entered Texas College that same year and graduated in 1973. I earned a bachelor of science in elementary education. My last year at Texas College I was also enrolled in Stephen F. Austin State University and excepted into the master’s program at the same time. So, I graduated with my masters in 1976 from Stephen F. Austin State College in early elementary education with a concentration in reading. In 1989 I received my management and supervision certification. In between that time, I took courses at University of Texas at Tyler, I did course work in Spain as well as University of St. Thomas in Houston.
I would also like to mention that I was a part of Girl Scouts until I graduated for high school. We were in the first group of girls in Top Teen’s of America, founded by the Top Ladies of America of Tyler Texas. Those were two strong character-building programs I was honored to participate in.
Can you tell us about your calling into ministry? I was actually called at the age of 15. I did not except my calling until the age of 35 twenty years later. I served as National Youth president from 1972 to 1976 of the CME church from the age of 17.
Why do you feel called to serve the CME church? I was raised in the CME church. I was taught the love of and to love the CME church. Serving all the way from youth president of my local church to the national level. I’ve always loved my church. I’ve always been very passionate about service in the CME church and to the church and to the community. And people said I had been preaching all along. God has to be the one who calls you. I felt that at the age of 35, I had reached a level of maturity. I was serving as a principal at the time and had actually only served in the classroom for 6 years. I was a pastor for 30 years and I truly miss pasturing at the local level and the day to day interaction the congregations.
As a Presiding Elder do you struggle with the most? I haven’t found a struggle yet. I believe if you have humbled yourself as a pastor and you actually had a servant’s heart during the time you were pasturing then you will find the office of Presiding Elder as on of service. I was an administrator in education for 26 years so I have had experiences as serving. I have had experiences in leading too, but I think you should lead with a servant’s heart and lead with passion.
As so with all those experiences… I have been on the school board here in Tyler Texas for 13 years and when my term is up that will be 15 years. Served on various boards here so community service was something that was instilled in me. So, I just believe that all that training and all those past experiences have served as a solid foundation to serve as an elder.
What are the top three responsibilities of a Presiding Elder in your opinion? Visiting the churches and listening to the pastor and the people. Conducting quarterly conferences and making sure we receive conference assessments. Encouraging pastors and churches and leading the way in doing what Methodist are supposed to do. Scheduling the visits in such a way that you give each church quality time, pastors and members. And then being able to assist them with any challenges that they may have. Which could include the something with the building structure or even the finances.
Tell us about your leadership philosophy and how it influences the culture of the Pastors under your care and the CME church? I have a very companionate heart. I have the ability to listen, but I am also very serious about my calling. And about the roll of a pastor. I want all that serve in the North Tyler District to also be serious about their calling. I also want people to be free to be able to call and ask for help or assistance in any way possible. I have an open-door policy.
This concludes our interview is there anything else you would like to share with the readers? I am a fifth generation CME, I am a fourth generation in the ministry. My great grandfather was a CME pastor here in the east Texas area. He was also on the board of Texas College for over 20 years, serving as secretary. There was a dormitory named after him at one time. My father Rev. Cleveland L. Mason Sr. was a CME preacher. My father’s sister Rev. Ruby Parker was a CME preacher and my father’s brother, Rev. Rosco Mason was a presiding Elder. I am from a long line of CME preachers. I have cousins that are ministers and have served as pastors. My grandma started the Sunday school at Parker CME in Mt. Pleasant, that is where my mom is from. I am a twin and I was raised at Miles Chapel here in Tyler Texas and received excellent training from my youthful days in Sunday school to my training in CYF. I believe that also prepared me because we were taught about the history of the church, taught to love the church. It is just a joy for me to serve. Every church I have ever pastored.