Women Empowerment 2021

“And With The Woman Still Standing: Identity, Equity and Inclusiveness: Women in Ministry Standing Forward in the 21st century.”

By Rev. Dr. Kai Horn

Theme: “And With The Woman Still Standing: Identity, Equity and Inclusiveness: Women in Ministry Standing Forward in the 21st century.” (John 8:9)

September 24th and 25th, 2021

Objective: Women in the Ministry will examine what it means to stand in their own truth as tela living expression of the gospel of God. 

Friday Dr. Brenda Kearney

Bible Workshop Presenter Rev. Dr. Lydia Spragin, Patton Memorial CME, Cleveland, OH

Saturday morning plenary/workshop TBA

Closing plenary Rev. Natalie McClendon-Obie Trinity CME Church, Indianapolis, Indiana 

Music, Dance, Arts, self-care and relaxation all from a virtual view

Save the Date!!

Rev. Dr. Kai Horn

Coordinator of Women in the Ministry
Text: (678) 949-2241

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