serving as our 8th Episcopal District Representative and CME MSWWD Vice President.
By Mrs. Felecia Johnson
Giving all honor and reverence to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who is the head of my life and to Sr. Bishop Lawrence L. Reddick III for his spiritual oversight, leadership and wise counsel of the CME church, 8th Episcopal District and support given to Ministers’ Spouses Widows/Widowers Department (MSWWD). Additionally, I want to recognize our First Lady Wynde Jones Reddick, 8th Episcopal Advisor for her leadership, continued support and listening ear throughout the district and connection. Our First Family has made an impact in representing and supporting this beloved ministry.
The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the work I do, serving as our MSWWD 8th Episcopal District Representative and the CME MSWWD Vice President. These positions overlap and enabled me to represent the great state of Texas at the table of the MSWWD Executive Board and throughout the connection. This good work has deepened my love and expanded my knowledge of the CME church and ministries to better understand the importance and necessity of our organization. The work has been very rewarding, uplifting and busy work. I believe there will always be a need for us to do what we can to help the families of the pastors.
Our MSWWD bylaws states that we provide a means by which ministers’ spouses, widows and widowers may share mutual concerns, support, communication, and fellowship. We support widows and widowers through gifts, prayers, and continued fellowship. We provide annual scholarships for children of ministers of the CME Church. We create a direct service venue for concerns of health and civic issues. We promote friendship, service, and a helpful spirit to local congregations, districts, and connectional concerns.
On the 8th Episcopal Region, I work with our First Lady of the 8th Episcopal Region and Presidents to make sure our mission, goals and programs are carried out each year and work with connection and region leaders to answer any inquiries, changes, upcoming events and etc.
Some of the main activities that includes the participation of all regions are:
- Donation of care packages to Texas College dormitory students in the Fall.
- Promoting the Marion Scipio Vesper as a Widow’s Mite Fundraiser in October.
- Promoting the 4th Sunday in April as the CME Ministers’ Spouses Annual Day.
- Donation of 125-150 bibles each year to Texas College graduates.
With the success of collecting enough monies for membership dues, annual programs, fundraising activities and events, enables each Region to send their required membership dues and asking to the connection to support the ongoing ministry of the CME MSWWD organization.
Mrs. Felecia Johnson
Connectional Ministers’ Spouses, Widow(er)s,
Organization Vice President