Eighth Episcopal District Conference Music

Eighth Episcopal District Conference Music Coordinator, and District Representative, and Coordinator of the Connectional Music and Arts Ministry

By Rev. Valencia Edner

The role of the Conference Music Coordinator is to teach, and lead the music and worship arts for the meetings that the Presiding Prelate wants for the official meetings, fall and spring, as well as the annual conferences of the Episcopal District. Each year, music teams from each Region are asked to work together with the coordinator to provide music for the conference work during the day, and to help coordinate, when asked by leadership, to assist with the music for the evening worship services

As we have been in the throes of pandemic, the normal leadership for Annual Conferences in each region was not needed this year. However, as the representative to CMAM, and its coordinator, there was a need to lead in the shift to virtual music and arts for General Board, and as Eighth Episcopal Coordinator, assisted with the team which provided music for the funeral of Bishop Bobby R Best, and helped to organize the worship arts for the Call to Action for the CME Church as we helped to motivate and energize the vote for our communities. I

The Music and Arts of the Eighth Episcopal District is blessed to have many gifted musicians, singers, and those who are versed in other worship arts in our Regions. As Coordinator, I am grateful for the cooperation, and the vast amount of talent God has blessed this Episcopal District with, and we look forward to discovering more as we incorporate more technology into the ministry. We are also grateful for very capable technicians whose skills will help us to continue to be viable in virtual ways.

At the writing of this submission, we are grieving with the Central Texas Region, as we all mourn the transition of a phenomenal pianist, whose style, skills personality we will miss tremendously. May God Bless the family and the memory of Sis Rose C. Johnson. No one tickled the ivories quite like her! Central Texas, you are in our prayers!!!

Rev. Valencia Edner

Coordinator for Conference Music
Email: pastorvvee522@yahoo.com

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