Eighth Episcopal District Missionary Institute

Missionary Institute Director’s work

By Linda Woolage

The Missionary Institute Director’s work falls under the Department of Missionary Education of the W.M.C.


The purpose is to express the mission & unity of the Christian Church in Jesus through a continual educational growth of persons and a continuation of that growth by demonstrating Christ’s teaching ministry in the Church.


In consultation with the Council’s Secretary of Missionary Education and the Institute Directors, we select a study course book for all age groups.  This is a yearly process.


Then the Director along with the Region Presidents discuss and choose who the instructor will be for that particular setting.  We also organize the Institute (site, date, time & schedule).


After being a part of the Executive Board meeting in February 2021, we start making plans for the next Institute to be held on October 2021.


To God Be the Glory!

Linda Woolage

Episcopal District Director of the
Missionary Institute
Email: lindawoolage51@gmail.com

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