Eighth Episcopal District Technology Ministry


By Tina Jones

Our churches  depend on technology to communicate  both live and online. Our Technical Ministry team is crucial in making that happen!

The Team will also continue to utilize the Zoom platform so that all members will be able to access the church services.  We are referring to this service as a hybrid  service.

Serving in a church ministry requires a boatload of grace and more patience than many people have left at the end of a busy week. In some churches, it means working with difficult people every weekend.

The tech support team depend on each other’s gifts to be at full capacity at every service. 

The  tech support team need to be in unity before, during and after the event. Being on the same page, spiritually, is the key ingredient to this recipe.

One principle I’ve relied on over the years is that anyone involved in tech support ministry needs to be F.A.T.— faithful, available, and teachable, in that order. Once they’ve joined the tech support team, these people must also be faithful to be there when they’ve promised to be there.

Some volunteers have professional tech training and willingly bring their skills to the 8th Episcopal District team, but many others had an interest and have been trained by the staff.

The team is giving the website an updated look and enabling easier navigation throughout the site. This will also enable us to embed the streaming source into the website, so that anyone accessing the website can easily find your services. We want to make the website more informative and more representative.

Tina Jones

Director of Technology
Text: 972-998-4574
Email: tjthecomputerlady@gmail.com

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